The role of women in the technological world Today, March 8, International Women’s Day in which everyone’s struggle to achieve equal ... Society 5.0
The Cybersecurity of 2022 We live in a changing world, in which the Internet is one of the nerve centers of our daily activity... Society 5.0
And you, do you know how to build mobile applications quickly, easily and efficiently? The use of mobile applications is widespread in our society in such a way that social relations, lei... Consulting
IN2 presents its project SICAD for the Port of Barcelona The past 3rd December we attended the Marketplace of ACCIÓ: Industry 4.0, for the logistics, ... Turism & Transport
Process automation, a challenge within your reach! In today's companies and organizations, there is still a lot of manual and repetitive work that ... Consulting
Hybrid work, yes. Hybrid work, no How to correctly answer this question? Many companies face the dilemma of deciding whether to mainta... HR
Hybrid work, a more than technological challenge for HR departments The newspaper Expansión recently published an interesting report on hybrid work and how this ... HR
Prepared to impact the well-being of “hybrid” employees In recent months there have been rivers of ink trying to explain, from different areas, the importan... HR
How has the public administration solved face-to-face attention during the pandemic? The pandemic we have suffered has forced many companies and organizations to rethink some of their e... Public administration
Catalonia among the pioneer communities in launching the CCD-UE with the help of IN2 The European Parliament has approved this Wednesday the EU Covid Digital Certificate (CCD-... Health and Social Services #Tecnologia