Lanzarote Covid Safe: IN2 technology for the tourism sector, at the service of the people In this stage of the pandemic, how can Spain recover it’s 2nd position as a tourist desti... Turism & Transport
INSTANT VIDEO, among the solutions in the innovation barometer of La Unió We are proud to share that we have been included in the innovation barometer of La Unió ... Public administration
Celebramos el día de la mujer Last Monday, March 8, on the occasion of Women’s Day, we shared a virtual lunch with our colle... Society 5.0
The IDB entrusts IN2 with the consultancy project on Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) The IDB (Inter-American Development Bank) has reaffirmed its confidence in IN2 to deve... Health and Social Services
IN2 participates with the Foro RRHH at a sessión on Human Resources digital transformation IN2 participated last thursday the 28/01/2021 in a session organized by the Foro RRHH entity to publ... HR
IN2 participates with La Unió in a session on HR digital transformation IN2 in collaboration with Ubicue participated last 11/19/2020 in a session organized by the Uni&oacu... HR
IN2 signs a partnership agreement with Vaadin Tras la experiencia adquirida en los últimos tiempos con Vaadin, hemos decidid... Society 5.0
Is your organization ready for digital transformation? ¿Cómo podemos responder esta pregunta? Si quieres conocer un caso práctico de n... Consulting
IN2 develops the eConsulting for specialized care in Catalonia As is clear and obvious, we are living in extraordinary circumstances (in the literal sense of the t... Health and Social Services
Digital transformation in our projects: The example of the Inter-American Development Bank IN2 has been collaborating with the IDB (Inter-American Development Bank) in a very interesting proj... Health and Social Services