Content management
Content management facilitates, drives and guarantees the flow of information within the organisation.
In a highly competitive market, companies must adopt a strong commitment to quality and implement different standards.
All these standards oblige companies to have their internal procedures defined perfectly clearly, and to generate a large amount of documentation that is important for these to work properly. This management demands specific processes for documents, such as review and approval flows, change control, and validity tracking.
Document management for standards compliance thus entails:
Standards compliance management is a document management solution to enable quality departments to implement all the quality and management documentation the standards demand.
The solution guarantees the traceability of all the development, manufacture and testing activities.
It provides the route for evaluating the general quality of the operations inside a company and the end product
Collaborative document compilation
Templates stored in the manager that are up to date at all times
Revision and approval processes controlled by the document manager
Document lifecycle auditing
Version control in the document manager
Printed copy control
Distribution of documents through the manager, and the most recent published version
Automatic document validity tracking
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