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Kit Digital

Digitise your business with the Digital Kit programme

The Digital Kit is an initiative of the Government of Spain, which aims to provide a set of subsidies for the implementation of digital solutions, which provide a significant advance in the level of digital maturity of SMEs and the self-employed workers. This is provided by the European funds "Next Generation EU" within the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.


The digital solutions provided by the Digital Kit are addressed to small companies, micro-enterprises and self-employed workers, independently of the sector or type of business to which they belong. Currently, and since 15 March, the call for companies with between 10 and 49 employees is open.


How can I get the Digital Bond?

To be able to access the digital bond, the company must meet the requirements established in the terms and conditions of the call , among which the following stand out:

Be a small business, microbusiness or self-employed worker 

Comply with financial and effective ceilings that define the categories of companies

Be registered and have the minimum length of service established by the call for applications

Not be considered a company in crisis

Be up to date with tax and Social Security obligations

Not be subject, to a pending recovery order from the European Commission, that has declared an aid illegal and incompatible with the common market

Not commit any of the prohibitions set out in Article 13.2 of Law 38/2003, of 17 November, General Law on Subsidies

Not to exceed the minimum aid limit (small amounts)

At IN2 we help you to digitalise your business

Digitising your business has never been so close. Discover everything we can provide for the management of your processes, access control and the creation of an efficient collaboration environment between collaborators.

Process management

The aim of these projects is to digitise and/or automate those business processes related to operational or productive aspects, specifically project management using JIRA.

Up to 6.000€

Access Control

Solution to control the entire life cycle of your visits, with real-time supervision and the possibility of operating it from any part of the facilities. Your company will reach a level of digital maturity based on: digitalisation of visits, updated information in real time and control of the users involved.

Up to 6.000€

Digital Workplace

The implementation of this solution will provide team collaboration through agile team management; file and document storage and sharing; mobile compatibility; calendar and agenda management; and web access.

Up to €12,000

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